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RUS Kazakhstan Cities of Kazakhstan KAZAKHSTAN    


     Political structure

Kazakhstan (the official name the Republic of Kazakhstan ) -is divided into 14 administrative regions.
Kazakhstan has been a presidential republic since gaining independence in 1990.
The President of the state is elected for a five-year term by universal, equal and direct voting.
The highest representative body, that reforms legislative functions is the Parliament of the Republic.
The Parliament consists of two chambers: the Senate and the Mazhilis acting on a permanent basis.
The Senate is formed by 47 deputies (40 of which are two persons, elected from each region; seven deputies are appointed by the President of the Republic).
Mazhilis consists of 67 deputies, elected by one-mandate territorial districts.
The period between Parliamentary elections is four years.
The Government implements the executive power in the country.
It is headed by the Prime-Minister, who is appointed by the President with the approval of the Parliament.
The Government is responsible for its work to the President and is accountable to the Parliament.
The judicial system of the republic is executed by the Supreme Court and the local courts of the state. The Supreme Court is the highest judicial body on civil and criminal cases.
Control of Constitutional laws is implemented by the Constitutional Council, which consists of 7 members and is elected for a period of 6 years.
Local representative and executive bodies exercise control over regional matters.
Local representative bodies (Maslikhats) express the will of the population of the corresponding administrative - territorial units.
An oblast's administrative government, led by an "Akim" oversees executive power in each of Kazakhstan's regions (oblasts).
The oblast Akims are appointed by the President with the assistance from the Prime-Minister's nomination.

More information:
Laws Republic of Kazakhstan [ RUS ]
The ministry of foreign businesses Republic of Kazakhstan [ RUS ]
The ministry of the public revenues Republic of Kazakhstan [ RUS ]
Customs committee Republic of Kazakhstan [ RUS ]


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