location |
area |
relief |
climate |
time |
postal services |
telephones |
water |
electricity |
medical services |
nauruz |
traditional dishes |
national musical instruments |
national hunting |
tradition wedding |
festival concerning birth of the son |
national gammes |
national house |
visas |
registration |
customs rules |
diplomatic missions in kazakhstan |
kazakhstan diplomatic missions abroad |
political structure |
capital |
national currency |
language |
population |
religion |
economy |
epoch early nomads |
steppe empire turks |
empire kipchaks |
the mongolian gain |
the kazakh society in 17-18 centuries |
saks |
otrar |
talkhir |
yassy (turkestan) |
sauran |
issyk buliar |
bes-shatyr |
petroglyphs |
taraz |
almaty |
travel |
hootel |
air |
rail |
road |
silk road central asia |
silk road kazakhstan |
Kazakh Tradition Musical Instruments
| Tourism | Silk Road | | |||